Monday, 4 November 2013

Alice in the Events-land

"Lewis Carroll caries out this operation, inaugurated by the Stoics, or rather, he takes it up again. In all his works, Carroll examines the difference between events, things, and states of affairs. But the entire first half of Alice still seeks the secret of events and of the becoming unlimited which they imply, in the depths of the earth, in dug out shafts and holes which plunge beneath, and in the mixture of bodies which interpenetrates and coexist."

Deleuze, G(2004) The Logic of Sense. Continuum, p.11 
image is linked here:

It is in this passage where Deleuze introduces that peculiar approach of causality that has started by the Stoics and have been elaborated more by Lewis Carroll. On the notions of event, things and states of affairs Deleuze will build his ontological scheme of virtual, actual and intensive processes.

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