Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Panic in the streets of London

"The prime minister's tax returns, real estate deals, pressure groups, and more generally the economical and financial mechanisms of capital -- in sum, everything is legal, except for little blunders, what is more, everything is public, yet nothing is admissible. If the left was "reasonable," it would content itself with vulgarizing economic and financial mechanisms. There's no need to publicize what is private, just make sure that what is already public is being admitted publicly. One would find oneself in a state of dementia without equivalent in the hospitals.
Instead, one talks of "ideology". But ideology has no importance whatsoever: what matters is not ideology, not even the "economic-ideological" distinction or opposition, but the *organisation of power*. Because organization of power-- that is, the manner in which desire is already in the economic, in which libido invests the economic -- haunts the economic and nourishes political forms of repression." G&D  

People tend to underestimate London riots due to lack of any ideological support. But is this what is really lacking? On the contrary someone could argue that the lack of any ideological preoccupation reveals the pure desire machines of the public that are so trapped in the capitalist realm.  Ideology tends to mask, hide or repress desires which while expressed freely reveal the magnitude of functioning of those machines.   

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