Sunday 23 January 2011

who knows these things better than architects?

"This does not mean that there is no progress in the end, or that no arrow of time can be thrust forward. It means that we slowly progress from a very simple minded form of cohabitation — such as the revolutionary one— to a much fuller one, where more and more elements are taken into account. There is progress but it goes from a mere juxtaposition to an intertwined form of cohabitation: How many contemporary elements can you build side by side, generating the series of simultaneity?
By the way, who knows these things better than architects? Maybe once they have freed themselves from their intoxication with modernism —and with the bitter aftertaste of postmodernism— they will realise that the time of Time has passed as has fast as the time of myth and of epic poetry. They might just discover one day that they have written large chunks of the alternative operating system. After all, aren’t inhabiting and cohabiting part of what architects do? Are they not, by definition, the artisans of space? 
When will the horsemen of Apocalypse stop meddling in politics?"

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