Saturday 7 August 2010


In 1980, at their symbiotic volume called A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism & Schizophrenia Deleuze and Guattari argued that "transversal communications between different lines scramble the genealogical trees. Always look for the molecular, or even sub-molecular , particle with which we are allied. We evolve and die more from our polymorphous and rhizomatic flus than from hereditary diseases, or diseases that have their own line of descent. The rhizome is an anti-genealogy". An argument based on the science by a minor - minor as opposed to Royal in a Deleuzoguattarian sense- scientist called Lynn Marguilis. It is in 2010 that this polyphonic, melodic and democratic approach to evolution attempts to re-emerge by avoiding the reductionism of Gene Centric approaches like Evo-Devo. Seedmagazine has an excellent article on the latest scientific developments on the science of meta-genomics, that places the notion of symbiosis, not at the center, but on a flat plane to able express, still partially though, the complexity of life.
"Symbiosis goes a step further by showing us how species are linked by more than history; they are living together in a continuous. interconnected now."

David Relman says "we put a lot of weight on a life form's ability to think independently" but microbes have achieved fantastic evolutionary success by operating on a very different principle. Microbial communities are filled with examples of self-sacrifice for the benefit of the larger colony. They form physically close communities in which some cells exist solely to provide structural support or protection for others. "This Intertwining of fate" is maybe a lesson of how human could potentially start to think and work with the dynamics of their own societies. The century of the self might be coming to a critical point of transformation where a new century might arise. The century of the assemblages, the multitudes the collectives. It is about time to focus on cooperative and collaborative practices, practices of the common. It is about time to abolish the identity thinking of success and wealth.

1 comment:

Michael- said...

fantastic post. matter of fact, so many of your posts are quite outstanding. I really enjoyed the two, "beyond autopoiesis"...

maybe you'd guest blog at my site sometime (by reworking those two posts or what have you)?

all the best,


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