Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Beyond Autopoiesis

updated 03/08/2009
"In Deleuze and Guattari's model there is no center which is formally contolling the behaviour: that is, there is not a top-down subject or agent of evolution (whethere a CNS or a homunculus), but only a distributed intelligence that encompasses brains, bodies , molecules and worlds, all of which exist in terms of overlapping territories. It is on this point that they can be seen to depart from the figuration of autocatalysis in the theory of autopoiesis or self-organization."

while autopoiesis has done some imprtant theoretical work, it is unsuitable for modeling 'real systems' because its emphasis on closed, stable systems provides an adequate understanding of virtual change, in which an autogenetic cycle components can get closed out, new components can enter, certain components can mutate, and so on"


differentiation occurs in the virtual realm in the palne of immanence
differenciation occurs in the process of actualization.

according to John Protevi
Differentiation = differential structure of ideas or "multiplicity". Idea = set of differential elements, differential relations, and their singularities

Differenciation = divergent actualization of ideas resulting in set products with extensive properties: spatial and qualitative

and we goes on by adding the 'drama' for 'dramatization'
Dramatization of Ideas occurs in the intensive spatio temporal individuation processes.

Individuation = this is the most important term, for Deleuze individuation has priority over actualization differeciation and it determines which differential relation will be actualized. it is the priority of individuation tha prevents the virtual from being Platonized, as being a pre-existing Ideas. In fact Protevi adds ideas are determined or even invented by individuation processes.

it is interesting Protevi's proposing formula of:

"indi - drama -different/ciation"

to accept the undecided spelling of this world means to accept simultaneously the virtual structures of an entity and its process of actualization.
a disjunctive synthesis is a locus for differen[c/t]iation

epistemological vs ontological emergence

... content is coming soon ...

Monday, 26 May 2008

from molar to molecular and back again

the time, the transformation and the 'becoming' is what marks the molecular. is the distinction between the stratified space (molar) and the liquefied space (molecular) that Deleuze draws from the 'molecular' concept of 'becoming'

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

A* search algorithm

A* incrementally searches all routes leading from the starting point until it finds the shortest path to a goal. Like all informed search algorithms, it searches first the routes that appear to be most likely to lead towards the goal. What sets A* apart from a greedy best-first search is that it also takes the distance already traveled into account (the g(x) part of the heuristic is the cost from the start, and not simply the local cost from the previously expanded node).
Starting with a given node, the algorithm expands the node with the lowest f(x) value—the node that has the lowest cost-per-benefit. A* maintains a set of partial solutions—unexpanded
leaf nodes of expanded nodes—stored in a priority queue. The priority assigned to a path x is determined by the function f(x) = g(x) + h(x). The function continues until a goal has a lower f(x) value than any node in the queue (or until the tree is fully traversed). Multiple goals may be passed over if there is a path that may lead to a lower-cost goal.
The lower f(x), the higher the priority (so a
min-heap could be used to implement the queue).

linear science of the unproblematic world

superposition principle :: given two different solutions to of a linear equation, their sum is also a valid solution
Delanda, M(2002) Intinsive Science and Virtual Philosophy. Continuum, London

Laplace's Damon at work: "linear models are representative of all reallity :: knowledge of the initial conditions and basic laws of a system would yield knowledge of all possible states of the system"
Protevi, J. and Bonta, M. (2004) Deleuze and Geophilosophy: A Guide and a Glossary.Endiburgh University Press, Endiburgh

part of my reading about the philosophy of science the ontological and epistemological impligations of Gilles Deleuze

Sunday, 11 May 2008


Bootstrapping or Bootstrap may refer to:
Bootstrapping (business), to start a business without external help/capital
Bootstrapping (computing), the process of a simple system activating a more complicated system that serves the same purpose
Bootstrapping (compilers), writing a compiler for a computer language using the language itself
Bootstrapping (electronics), a form of positive feedback in analog circuit design.
Bootstrapping (finance), the method to create the spot rate curve.
Bootstrapping (law), a rule preventing hearsay in conspiracy cases.
Bootstrapping (linguistics), a theory of language acquisition.
Bootstrapping (statistics), a resampling technique used to obtain estimates of summary statistics.
Bootstrap model, in physics, using very general consistency criteria to determine the form of a quantum theory from some assumptions on the spectrum of particles
Operation Bootstrap ("OperaciĆ³n Manos a la Obra"), ambitious projects which industrialized Puerto Rico in the mid-20th century
Boostrap transaction or
leveraged buyout, gaining control of a majority of a target company's equity through the use of borrowed money or debt

thanks tou Wikipedia

Friday, 9 May 2008

programming 2 fabrication

a diffusion algorithm relaxes the nodes...
ribs in u and v direction with appropriate slots
have been automized through a home-made algorithm
producing 2d cad file for laser cutting or CNC milling machines

GA :: first approach

the algorithm will be developed to embrace co-evolution...
key concept to the research.
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