Where can we situate, in our present, a “cause” capable of resisting the accusation of compromise and able to teach us to resist, along with it; a cause that we can acknowledge to be free of complicity, having resisted not through some historical contingency predicated on “not yet”, but through its own resources, the dynamics of capitalist redefinition? If learning to think is learning to resist a future that presents itself as obvious, plausible, and normal, we cannot do so either by evoking an abstract future, from which everything subject to our disapproval has been swept aside, or by referring to a distant cause that we should inagine to be free of any compromise. To resist a likely future in the present is to gamble that the present still provides substance for resistance, that it is populated by practices that remain vital even if none of them has escaped the generalized parasitism that implicates then all.
Stengers, I(2010) Cosmopolitics I, University of Minnesota Press. Minneapolis. p. 09-10